My Projects


This tournament bracket builder application uses React, axios, and Material UI on the front-end. It has a Node and Express server on the backend with a PostgreSQL database to store tournament and user data. This was my final project at Lighthouse Labs made with Terry Nguyen and Clayton Persinger. My primary work on the project was the front-end including the homepage, login and registration pages, and the Hall of Fame page. I also implemented React Router.


Pollify is a decision maker app that allows a user to create a poll where users can rank their choices from most to least preferred. The options will receive points based on their ranking. Users can then see on the results page the choice with the most points. The front-end uses jQuery, jQueryUI, and EJS. The back-end uses Node, Express, Mailgun, and a PostgreSQL database. I made this project with Bastien Moy and Karma Mann as our midterm project at Lighthouse Labs. Some of my work on the project consisted of designing the wireframes with Figma, writing SQL queries, and implementing the voting page drag and drop or button interactions.

React Weather App

This weather application uses React with the OpenWeather API to provide forecast information and current weather data. This app uses loops and many React components to display information. Yes, it can get cold in Canada!

Weather App

This weather application uses HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript with the OpenWeather API to provide real weather data. Users can either search for a city or use their geolocation to find the weather for their current location.

Demo Portfolio Page

This demo portfolio uses HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The goal of this project was to try out CSS responsiveness so that future webpages I create can look great on mobile devices, tablets, as well as computers.

Electric Guitar Webpage

My first project incorporating HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It features an interactive component using alerts and prompts to help the user find a guitar that is best suited to them based on their answers.